Looks like Bareilly Ki Barfi actor Rajkummar Rao has found a new fan in Janhvi Kapoor, who is all praise for the actor’s work. Yes you hear it right. Newbie Janhvi is super impressed by Rajkummar’s performance in Bareilly Ki Barfi. In fact, she was so impressed that she wanted the actor to notice her. Janhvi, who recently made her magazine debut with Vogue, revealed that she is in awe of Rajkummar Rao’s acting skills and he is an indeed the only person she has asked for a picture with. For the magazine shoot, Janhvi gave interview to Karan Johar where she spilled the beans on her favourite actors. She revealed that she likes Rajkummar Rao, Dhanush and Nawazuddin Siddiqui. She was quoted, as saying, “They’re so good! I’m attracted to someone who can immerse me, and all these actors are so expressive.”
While gushing over her favourite Rajkummar, she said, “I’m not sure if I should say this, but after watching Bareilly Ki Barfi, I really wanted Rajkummar Rao to notice me, so I commented on all his photos. He’s the only person I’ve asked for a photo with.” Janhvi is shot by Prasad Naik for the June 2018 edition of Vogue India.
For the unversed, Janhvi shot for the magazine a few days after Sridevi passed away. The veteran actress was to be by her side for the shoot but the tragic death changed everything. On the cover, she is seeing in a no-makeup look as she poses in a floral printed dress. Needless to say, the soon to be launched actress is looking piping hot on the cover. On the work front, Janhvi Kapoor is all set to make her Bollywood debut with Karan Johar’s Dhadak opposite Ishaan Khatter.