Lucknow: BSP supremo Mayawati on Saturday accused the BJP of engineering the defeat of her candidate in the Rajya Sabha elections to sabotage her party’s growing friendship with SP, and said the result will not affect their plans for 2019.
“They may have defeated us . But the workers of BSP and SP will now work with even more force to stop them from coming to power in 2019,” Mayawati said at a press conference, the day after her party’s Bhim Rao Ambedkar was defeated by BJP with the help of cross-voting Opposition MLAs.
Reiterating that BJP hatched a conspiracy to break the growing proximity between the two anti-saffron parties, she said: “I will not let that happen at any cost. They were up all night yesterday eating laddoos and thinking Mayawati will break off the alliance with SP, and that they will have a gala time in 2019.”
BSP supremo also alleged that the saffron party misused the system to make their candidate win.
“We believe Narendra Modi and Amit Shah used the system to make their candidates win. An environment of fear was created due to which there was also some cross-voting done,” she said.
BSP chief went on to say that BJP might be planning to get her murdered. “BJP is reminding us of Guest House incident of June 2, 1995. The incident took place with the motive to murder me. What is BJP trying to prove by giving the policeman involved in that incident the highest position today? Do they want me murdered?”
Speaking about the Rajya Sabha elections strategy, she said: “A plan had been made that we come together so that the BJP candidate couldn’t win the election. It was also tried to make an effort to ensure that this election does not become a blot on the face of democracy.”
“But BJP did not deter from indulging in malpractices,” she added.
“They exerted all their force to ensure that the BSP candidate does not win at any cost. The entire system was deployed to ensure that the newly formed ties between BSP and SP loosens,” BSP chief alleged.
She also said that the Rajya Sabha immoral victory cannot make up for their defeat in Gorakhpur and Phulpur.