New Delhi: Yoga guru Baba Ramdev today praised PM Narendra Modi’s leadership and said that the entire country was proud of him. While honouring the PM as ‘Rashtra Rishi’, Ramdev said, “PM Narendra Modi is a Rashtra Gaurav and Vishwa Nayak who has made India very proud at the world stage.”
Returning the compliment, the PM said, that by promoting yoga, Ramdev is serving the nation. “I congratulate Ramdev for popularising yoga and bringing it to the people. I can confidently say that we will not ignore or forget the heritage that we have been historically proud of.”
The work at the Patanjali Research Institute will include clinical control trials, drug screening, pharmacognosy, drug discovery, drug standardisation, drug safety, chronic diseases study, and pharmacology.
The PM also spoke about the Swachh Bharat movement saying that we have to decide and pledge ‘Mai gandagi nahin karunga. Children too have started endorsing my Swachch Bharat mission.’