Nagpur: Earlier in 2018, former Minister and President of MPCC, veteran Nagpur politician Ranjeet Deshmukh had filed a case with the police and local Magistrate against his younger son Dr Amol Deshmukh, asking him to vacate the house in Civil Lines and move to ” one of his two spacious bungalows either in Rajnagar or Abhyankar Nagar” and not trouble him by his “rude and inconsiderate behaviour’s by living under his roof despite his wishes.”
Amol Deshmukh had countered this argument by stating being a Medical Doctor it was his responsibility to look after his aging parents, both of whom suffered from many problems.
His father Ranjeet Deshmukh’s complaint against him ” was political in nature and not personal. The move against him was instigated by his elder brother Ashish Deshmukh who wanted Amol out of the house, out of the Education Society and out of the country as well.”
Listening to both arguments and looking to the ‘Fact’ the Magistrate ruled the following:
The said house in Civil lines was an ancestral property and did not belong to Ranjeet Deshmukh personally.
And looking to Rupatai , wife of Ranjeet Deshmukh’s petition that she and her husband needed constant medical attention and Care, the Magistrate opines that father and son should continue living under the same roof without aggravating each other.