Even since the promos of Deepika Padukone’s movies Bajirao Mastani and Tamashaa in which she is playing lead against her current flame Ranveer Singh and ex boyfriend Ranbir Kapoor, respectively, Ranveer seems to be little apprehensive about Deepika’s moves. But there is nothing he can do much about that! Only that he can praise Deepika as much as he can and keep her focussed on him.
Not the latest attempt that Ranveer Singh made is to shower words of appreciation on Deepika. He says he could not take his eyes off his ” Bajirao Mastani” co-star Deepika Padukone.
Ranveer, 30, who plays the Maratha emperor Peshwa Bajirao, said he is in awe of her look in “Dewaani Mastani” song.
He tweeted: I couldn’t get my eyes off Her in this song either! 😉 #BajiraoMastani
The “Dewaani Mastani” song features Deepika dancing in abandon for Bajirao (Ranveer) as his first wife Kashi Bai ( Priyanka Chopra) looks at them.
Deepika plays Bajirao’s second wife Mastani in the film, which releases on December 18.