Security officials said on Wednesday that the videos of the captured Indian Air Force pilot were being released on the internet as part of a psychological operation against India and netizens should desist from sharing them on social media.
Five videos were shot by Pakistani army and released on WhatsApp, Twitter, Facebook and Instagram as part of a psychological operation against the country, the officials said.
“It is aimed to demoralise the forces and people,” they said.
Criticising the shooting of videos and treatment to captured Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, people took to social media platforms and vented their anger by calling Pakistan a rogue country run by the Taliban.
“The country is run by Talibanis wearing army uniform, if we see how Pilot has been handled. It is shameful. Pakistan is a disgrace,” Vikas Raina, from Pune, wrote on WhatsApp.
Pakistan captured the IAF pilot after a fierce engagement between the two air forces.
The wing commander ejected safely from his MiG 21 Bison aircraft but landed across the Line of Control and was taken into custody by Pakistani army.
“Please don’t ask us to share the videos of Wing Commander Abhinandan. We will not share his videos and are requesting you to please don’t share videos and photos of the pilot,” an Indian Military Updates said.