Nagpur: The officials of Railway Police Force (RPF) in association with Amaravati Police on Friday, arrested Deputy Conservator of Forests (DCF) Vinod Shivkumar from Nagpur Railway Station in connection with Range Forest Officer (RFO) Deepali Chavan suicide case.
Amaravti Police had received secret information that Shivkumar is boarding a train for Bangalore from Nagpur Railway Station. Acting swiftly on the inputs, Amravati cops roped-in RPF officials of Nagpur Railway Stations who in a joint operation nabbed Shivkumar from Delhi-Bangalore Express at around 9.30 am.
Chavan (33), the RFO of Harisal with the Wildlife Section of Sipna Forest Divison in Melghat, Amravati District committed suicide at her residential wairteen in Harisal on Thursday evening. Chavan had left a suicide note running into several pages where she accused Senior Forest Officials of harassment and forcing her to take extreme step.