Nagpur News: There is an increasing demand in the region for a Regional Centre (RC) of the National Institute of Mentally Handicapped (NIMH) in Nagpur. The State Government has also been asked for its support in this matter.
The NIMH, headquartered in Secunderabad, has only four Centres in the country- two in New Delhi, one in Kolkata and one in Navi Mumbai. The government- aided institute not only works at treatment, rehabilitation and social welfare of the specially abled, but also conducts numerous full- time undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Disability Studies, Special Intervention and Rehabilitation Psychology. All the B.A, M.A, B. Ed and M. Phil courses are UGC (University Grants Commission)- recognised.
The demand for a Regional Centre- which would be for administrative and very basic services- was first made four years ago by a Nagpur- based member of the NIMH General Council. It has been part of meeting agendas a number of times, but there has been no concrete development as yet. The matter is being taken up again, and it is likely that the state government will also be approached for support. Those advocating a Regional Centre argue that this would benefit not only the needy and their relatives in Nagpur, but also in adjoining districts in Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.