Published On : Tue, Mar 3rd, 2020

Rising mercury in early March hints at harsher summer ahead in Nagpur


Nagpur: It is still early March but the mercury has started climbing giving a hint of harsher summer months ahead in Nagpur, the notorious city known for tormenting summers. The soaring temperatures in the first week of March is an indication of things to come in the core summer months, as maximum temperatures for March is usually recorded during the end of the month. And it is not even the middle of March yet, and the temperatures are already about 5 degrees Celsius above normal.

Nagpurians have already feeling the punch of rising temperatures as they are venturing out with umbrellas and other protective gears. Ceiling fans are running at full speed at almost all homes to get solace from heat and also to repel swarms of mosquitoes. There is every chance that water coolers being installed sooner than later.


Humid and sultry weather has already been a common scenario in the entire Vidarbha region with Nagpur city being no exception. People have started thronging markets for purchasing matkas, the traditional earthen pots to store cool water and quench the thirst in hot days.