Nagpur: The rotation system has barred Maharashtra from displaying its tableau (Chitrarath) in the next year’s Republic Day parade on January 26. Making a statement in Vidhan Sabha (Assembly) on Wednesday, the Minister for Cultural Affairs Vinod Tawde said that every year 16 States get an opportunity to display their tableaux portraying themes ranging from Heritage, Culture, Art & Crafts, Biotechnology, Sustainable Agriculture and Environment. It is not necessary that every state gets opportunity.
Because of the rotation system, Maharashtra will not be able to display its tableau in the next year’s R-Day parade. In 2011 too, the State had not got the opportunity to participate in the ceremony, informed Tawde. He further said that the State Government had won the first prize for its tableau at the Republic Day parade in 2015, in which it depicted the annual ‘wari’ to Pandharpur in front of an enthralled audience, including US President Barrack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The glory came after a gap of 20 years, said Tawde.
The issue was raised by Prithviraj Chavan in Vidhan Sabha. Stating the ground reality, Tawde said that in the year 1970, 1972, 1987, 1989, 1996, 200, 2005, 2008 and 2013, Maharashtra was not selected to display its tableau. Similarly, in the year 1981, 1983, 1993, 1994, 1995 and 2015, the State had won the first prize in the R-Day parade, said Tawde.