Nagpur: A joyous wedding celebration turned into a nightmare for Alpesh Banduji Thakre, a 28-year-old resident of Mangaldeep Nagar-2 in Nagpur, when thieves struck his home during his reception ceremony. The robbers made away with cash and valuables totalling a staggering Rs 16.70 lakh.
The incident occurred on Saturday evening at Thakre’s residence on Besa-Pipala Road under Hudkeshwar Police Station jurisdiction. Among the stolen items were Rs 11 lakh in cash, an assortment of gold ornaments including a Chaplakanthi, Laxmi Haar, bangles, rings, tops, and over 200 gift envelopes.
While Thakre and his family were busy hosting their wedding reception at Nilkanth Lawn, the miscreants took advantage of the empty house. Forcing open the latch of the back door, they gained entry and ransacked the cupboards, scattering clothes and valuables across the rooms.
The family returned home around midnight, only to find their house in disarray. A closer inspection revealed that the cash, gold jewellery, and gift envelopes had been stolen.
Following Thakre’s complaint, the Hudkeshwar Police immediately visited the crime scene to conduct a detailed investigation. A case has been registered under Sections 305(a) and 331(4) of the BNS Act.
The police are actively pursuing leads to identify the culprits and recover the stolen valuables. Investigators are also analyzing CCTV footage from the vicinity and questioning potential witnesses to trace the thieves.
The theft has left the Thakre family devastated, as they grapple with the loss of both their hard-earned savings and precious wedding gifts. Speaking about the incident, a family member expressed disbelief, stating, “This was supposed to be a day of celebration for us, but it turned into a traumatic experience.”