Nagpur: Burglars on Friday night targeted a doctor’s house in New Kamptee and decamped with hard cash of Rs 18 lakh. The theft took place when the doctor along with family had gone to attend a marriage ceremony. Cops have launched a hunt to nab the offenders.
According to police, the B B Colony resident Dr Shamim Ahmed, along with family, was out to attend a wedding on Friday night. The unidentified miscreants, taking advantage, broke open the lock of rear door and gained entry into the house. The burglars laid down their hands on the cash of Rs 18 lakh coolly and made good their escape. The theft came to light when Dr Shamim Ahmed sent his brother-in-law to bring cooler from his house. He found the rear door open and immediately informed Dr Ahmed about the same. The doctor rushed to his house and found the huge cash stolen. A team of New Kamptee police too reached the spot on being informed and started investigation for a clue.
A theft case has been registered and the burglars are being hunted.