The Economic Offences Wing (EoW) has busted a fraud worth Rs 2.59 crore and arrested a woman doctor from Wardha in connection with the case. Dr Priti Nilesh Raut was arrested for her involvement in the scam, which promised investors returns of 5-15% through a share market trading company, IX Academy Private Ltd.
The company, operated by Suraj Madhukar Savarkar, collected investments from various individuals, including Vikram Bajaj from Nagpur, who later filed a complaint with the EoW. The accused opened accounts in Canara Bank’s Kolkata branch to receive payments from investors.
The EoW has booked a total of 11 persons, including Dr Raut, Suraj Savarkar, and others, for fraud. While Dr Raut has been arrested, the other accused are on the run, and searches are underway to apprehend them.
The investigation revealed that the accused had switched off their mobile phones and were evading arrest. The EoW is working to trace their whereabouts and bring them to justice.