Nagpur News : Keeping cash in house proved fatal to a middle-aged man, when burglars entered into the house and looted Rs 7.20 lakh cash from the suitcase. As per information, complainant Narendra Shrikrishna Vyas (45), a resident of Mahakalkar Complex, S 6, B Site, Dighori had gone to Bhandara for some work on November 25.
Meanwhile, unidentified thieves broke open the main door lock and entered into the house. They stole away Rs 7.20 lakh cash kept in a suitcase. Narendra was shocked to death after discovering the theft. He rushed to Hudkeshwar police station and lodged a complaint against unidentified thieves. Cops have registered an offence under Sections 454 and 380 of the IPC and have started the investigations.