Nagpur: Sending huge respite to Rashthriya Swayamsevak Sangh which was concerned about its party’s namesake, the Nagpur bench of Bombay High Court on Monday dismissed the plea filed by social worker Janardhan Moon, who had staked a claim on the name ‘Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’ or RSS. He had applied to register an NGO of the name.
The court rejected the plea on the basis of the fact that there is already a society which exists by the same name. Moon had contented that the RSS was not registered with the charity commissioner and had requested allotment of the name to his society.
Moon’s application was previously rejected by charity commissioner citing that the general administration department of Maharashtra government had imposed a prohibition on the usage of the word ‘Rashtriya’ since December 22, 2005, to prevent any society or trust from appearing to have direct support of the Government of India or the state government and misusing the name for their personal and political gains.