Nagpur: Now it will be easier for the guardians and parents of children to fill in the form under RTE as the Government of India to boost the Digital India has started the RTE Digital forms under RTE Action Committee in the second capital. The parents who have not filled the form can now fill and send the form. The parents will have to click on the link for the form fill the details of the child which will be registered in the digital server. Soon after this the call centre set up will give a call to the parents and as per the location the forms will be filled. This link will be available all over the country. This form will be for everybody. The parents outside the state can also fill in the detail of their children.
RTE Action Committee Chairman Shahid Sharif informed that to boost the digitalisation and digital India the committee has prepared the form. As a trial the forms have been filled by people in Indore, Pune, Nasik and Gujarat. On this website the data of the students from all over the State will be available and from this it would be clear from where how many forms have been filled. The work has been given to a company from Indore. The company will call the parents and fill the forms.