Nagpur: A notification has been issued today by the Maharashtra State Government’s Directorate of Education, in which the date of registration of schools for RTI academic session 23-24 has been fixed from January 23 to February 3. But on the other hand, the responsibility of strictly registering the schools rests with the district administration and has been assigned to Education Officer and Administrative Officer.
Following the notification, Mohd Shahid Sharif, Chairman of RTI Action Committee, said that the dispute of schools is going on with the administration for grants. In such a situation, how many schools will be registered for admission under the Right to Education is the question mark. In this situation, from February 3, the date of application under the right to free online education will also be decided. Further, because Google mapping is an important task in the online process, on the basis of this Google address is provided to the parents for online admission. The National Information Corporation service is run by Google, he said.
Shahid further said, the process of registration will also be done at its speed, where it is mandatory to register lakhs of schools in the state, which is a challenging task, on the basis of this, the date of RTI application online process will be decided.