Nagpur: In an appalling incident, an RTI activist forcibly entered into a woman’s kirana shop and snatched over Rs 2000 from cash counter and also molested her daughter-in-law for refusing to give ‘Vargani’ (contribution/donation) for Navratri festival. A report says that the RTI activist has been arrested while police say he has been booked in the case.
On October 11, the 51-year old woman and her daughter-in-law, both residents of Kalamna, were manning their kirana shop. Around 4.30 pm, the accused RTI activist Mukesh Shahu (36), resident of the same area, came at the kirana shop and demanded ‘Vargani’ for Navratri festival. However, the woman refused to part with the money. Enraged by her refusal, accused Mukesh Shahu forcibly entered into the kirana shop and snatched Rs 2040 kept in the cash counter. Not only the accused took money but also jostled with the woman’s daughter-in-law indecently and thus molested her.
Based on the woman’s complaint, Kalamna PSI Raut booked the accused RTI activist under Sections 392, 354, 452, 506 of IPC and arrested him on Wednesday.