Nagpur: The Nagpur Division of Central Railway has said that a total of 349 hijras (trutiyapanthis), who were found pestering the passengers in running trains, were nabbed and a fine of Rs 6,14, 400 was recovered from them from the period 1.1.2015 to 15.2. 2016. Similarly, 224 burglars were apprehended either from trains or station premises. Two Railway employees were netted by the Anti-Corruption Bureau for bribery. Same way, 21 tauts were arrested by the Railway Protection Force (RPF) for blackmarketing of reserved tickets and other malpractices.
This information was provided by the Central Railway in Nagpur in a RTI reply against the query posed by RTI activist Abhay Kolarkar.
The RTI reply further said that a staggering 93570 persons were caught for travelling without ticket in the period from 1.1.2015 to 15.2.2016. A penalty of Rs 4,80,57,591 was realised from the offending persons.
In reply to another RTI query the Central Railway said that total land belonging to it in Nagpur is 31 hectares but information regarding its value is not available in documentation form. Since it has vast area of land the figures of encroachments were not available in material form and documents.
The Nagpur Railway Station is spread over 25.38 hectares of land and there is no information available about encroachments.
The Central Railway has no information in any form about how many persons were run over by trains at various places in the Nagpur Division.