Published On : Sun, Nov 19th, 2023

Ruckus at prominent club in Dharampeth over entry


Nagpur: In yet another incident exposing the ‘nightmare of nightlife’ in Nagpur, a couple of people reportedly resorted to violence after being denied entry to a prominent club located in a high-rise building in the Dharampeth area under Ambazari Police Station on the intervening night of Saturday and Sunday.

Earlier, it was alleged that the accused persons threatened club staff with guns. However, Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Crime, Mumakka Sudarshan informed Nagpur Today that the accused persons took out swords.


“A private party was organized at the Cyclone Modern Dine In & Club. The accused persons sought entry into the revelry. However, on being denied by the club staff, they resorted to violence and reportedly took out swords,” informed DCP Sudarshan.

When Nagpur Today contacted the owner of the establishment, he mentioned that the ruckus occurred at the valet parking of the building. However, he refrained from commenting on whether guns or swords were taken out, as he wasn’t present there. “Although we’ve reached a compromise,” the owner said, to settle the matter.

Despite ongoing efforts by the Nagpur Police to mitigate chaos during night party events, these incidents continue to pose challenges. The police have implemented various measures to ensure the safety and orderliness of such gatherings, but unfortunately, these attempts have proved ineffective so far. The recent episode at the prominent club in Dharampeth reflects the persistent difficulties faced in maintaining a peaceful nightlife environment in Nagpur.