Nagpur: Deolapar police in Nagpur Rural on Thursday busted an illegal liquor brewing den in the forest located near Bawanthadi Reservoir back water and seized Mahua liquor and other raw material collectively worth Rs 8.21 lakh. However, the accused, numbering 4-5 managed to escape by a boat and are being searched.
A team of Deolapar police in Ramtek Tehsil was on bandobast duty for Ganesh visarjan. The team received inputs that some persons were brewing Mahua liquor illegally at the shores of Bawanthadi Reservoir back water in Pindkapar Jungle Shivar. Acting on information, the police team along with members of Mahila Mandal raided the spot.
Spotting cops, the accused number 4-5 escaped in a boat. Cops seized illegally brewed Mahua liquor, raw stuff and other material collectively worth Rs 8.21 lakh. The cops came to know names of absconding accused as Antu Bhalavi, Narbat Kodvate, Shailesh alias Mille Uike, all residents of Pindkapar, and Kailas Bhalavi of Vanera, Tehsil Parseoni.
The accused have been booked under Maharashtra Prohibition Act and are being searched.
The action was carried out by API Pravin Borkute, NPC Sandip Kadu, sepoys Sachin Dayalkar, Duryodhan Rohad (driver), home guards Amol Kumre, Vishal Uike under the guidance of District Superintendent of Police and Sub Divisional Police Officer, Ramtek.