Nagpur News : A 42-year-old man files fraud complaint against construction company director and alleged of duping his Rs 26.74 lakhs. On the complaint filed by Sunil Zavar, a resident of Wardhaman Nagar, Sitabuldi police has registered a case against Shivprasad Jagtap, who owned a SS construction company at Ram Nagar. Zavar, who owned Vyankatesh Industries in Pardi, claimed in his police complaint that Jagtap had given the contract of making chairs worth Rs 26.74 lakhs for Vasantrao Deshpande Hall in Civil Lines in January. Each chair cost Rs 6200. As per the contract, the work should be completed within five months.
Zavar told police that though he completed the contract work within five months, Jagtap refused to pay the charges claiming that the contract work was not completed in time. Zavar claimed to have suffered the loss of Rs 26.74 lakhs due to Jagtap. Police said that they are yet to interrogate Jagtap.