Published On : Mon, Jul 6th, 2020

Sa Re Ga Ma Cultural Group : Webinar of Tabla Nawaj Ravi Satfale for musicians


Sa Re Ga Ma Cultural Group Nagpur , has arranged Webinar of Tabla Nawaj Ravi Satfale for musicians on topic “ How to become self reliant to face lock down challenges.”

Sa Re Ga Ma Cultural Gp organized a Webinar on ” How to become self reliant to face lock down challehges.” ” live on Zoom Platform. Mr. Ravi Satfale is a renowned Tabla Nawaj and trainer was resource person for webinar. Majority of people from cultural field was on line for the webinar. At the beginning organizer Dr. Sanjay Uttarwar , Director of Sa Re Ga Ma Cultural Group introduce Speaker and welcome all on line participants.

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Wednesday 19 March 2025
Gold 24 KT 88,900 /-
Gold 22 KT 82,700 /-
Silver / Kg 101,100 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
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Webinar starts with the present condition of cultural activities of Nagpur. Speaker share all legendary figures of musicians world with gathering. He gave brief idea about cultural scenario of Nagpur and activities which took place before and after lockdown. Mr. Ravi Satfale has done MFA from RTMNU.

Sangeet Prabhakar from Prayag Sangeet Samiti and Sangeet Alankar from Gandharv Mahavidyalay Mumbai. He conducts Tabala classes inNagpur and has given company to many celebrity artist who came to Nagpur. He has also performed in various programs conducted by SCZCC. He has performed on All India Radio and Doordarshan too.

While explaining about avenues to become self reliant, speaker says that its up to us that how we look towards any thing happen with us. Work is within our control. Lock Down announced and all Musical activities comes to stand still. Uncertainty is about time period of Lock down and its extension. Nagpurs Musical auditoriums gets closed and all people associated with stage activity comes in critical situation.. Covid 19 has taught us effective use of Online avenues .And people starts exploring it from their end. And live shows gets organized and now a days doing well.

He further quotes that no one can make you self reliant unless you yourself is convinced for it. He further quotes that one must be optimistic toward life and should think positive for his her future. He further says that you should avoid company of that people who are lazy around you. First introspect yourselves , who you are.

He quotes various live examples to support his saying that how individually each one can find peace and satisfaction in life by changing his/ her thought process. Mr. Ravi Satfale is recipient of many credentials and awards for his out standing performance in various functions. He gets felicitated by the hands of Ex President of India Mrs. Pratibha Tai Patil. He further says that musicians should go for professional education , so that they me start their own enterprise. They should work hard to acquire education which will help them to do some thing for their future.

Organiser Dr. Sanjay Uttarwar in his concluding remarks says that , Coming days are more critical…. Till the end of this year there is no scope for shows in halls. We all has to take care for our people whose bread depends on it. While speaking about safety he says that Some organizer are not taking proper care during organizing and presentation of shows. They should take proper care.. After all our health is more important rather than any thing.

So be careful. Your mistakes may spoil life of any XYZ. He asks to follow all instructions issued by Govt for your as well as participants safety. While sharing future plans he says that We will submit Representation with State Govt for financial assistance to artists of our musical world. He address to audience to acquire professional Education so that , You may stand up on your legs in any circumstances.

Later on Question and answer session takes place where Mr Ravi Satfale gave answers to the questions asked by audience. At the same time Vijay Puranik, Mr. Prashant Sahare, Sanjivany Buty, Dr. Sheela Kulkarni, Mrs. Harshali Kherche express their thoughts for betterment of cultural world.

Dr. Varsha express her gratitude towards all on line guests and propose Vote of Thanks.
