Nagpur: Besides maintaining peaceful lockdown to helping poor and needy grappling to earn livelihood for their families, Nagpur Police have been in forefront of city’s battle to contain the novel CoronaVirus (Covid-19) outbreak. Right from Commissioner of Police, Dr. Bhushan Kumar Upadhyay, Joint Commissioner, Ravindra Kadam, Additional Commissioner (Crime), Dr. Nilesh Bharne, DCP (Crime) Gajanan Rajmane, DCP Zone I, Vivek Masal, DCP Zone II, Vinita Sahu, DCP Zone III, Rahul Makhnikar, DCP Zone IV, Nirmala Devi, DCP Zone V, Neelotpal, DCP HQ, Vikram Sali, all the ACPs, PIs and officials of all ranks have lion’s share in this movement against the global epidemic.
Though, great things come at great cost and for police officials, the price they pay, is sacrificing their family time so that you could spend it with yours!
Speaking to Nagpur Today, the Top Cop said, “I’ve to meet several people including health officials, and this is my utter most priority under such critical situation. I can’t minimize those interaction as it ensures there faith in ideal policing.”
“Every police official is working over 12 hour shift. This has certainly started taking a toll over their family time. And even I’m not an exemption!,” says CP Dr.B.K. Upadhyay
“Every police official is working over 12 hour shift. This has certainly started taking a toll over their family time. And even I’m not an exemption!,” said Dr. B.K.Upadhyay
Additional Commissioner of Police (Crime), Dr. Nilesh Bharne says, “I see my children either while leaving for work i.e. in the early morning or later in the night when I get back. Ironically both the times they are taking a nap in the bed!”
“We have never seen such catastrophic scenarios before. At the start it was even difficult for us to cope with the difficulties coupled with exertion. Even family members had complained that we have become invisible for them,” says the Additional Commissioner who while maintaining law and order has also been ensuing that no poor should be deprived to meet their ends.
“I hope that when they grow up, they will remember that I did this because I was a responsible father”: Additional Commissioner Dr. Nilesh Bharne.
“Though, they lose temper these days owing to time scarcity. I hope that when they grow up, they will remember that I did this because I was a responsible father,” says, Bharne.
DCP Zone II, Vinita Sahu who has started to enter her own house via back door, says the toughest part is when her pet tries to jump on her, and she has to shut the door on his face, leaving him in a confusing state.
“I’ve to go out on the streets, meet people and might also have to go near those possible infected, due to nature of my job. So, I’ve to take the necessary precautions. Though, the disease has started taking toll on family time, it has also taught us importance of hygiene” says the DCP.
DCP Zone II, Vinita Sahu enter her own house via back door, shut door on her pets so that they are safe
“I can’t enter home without sanitizing myself besides uniform and shoes. Following which I’ve to take a bath before and follow strict precautionary measures before I could take my toddler boy on my lap,” says DCP Zone V, Neelotpal.
After series of sanitizing process and precautionary measures, I take my toddler boy on my lap: DCP Zone V, Neelotpal.
“The whole family is strictly following the social distancing norms. Being the public servant I’m more vulnerable to the virus borne disease. Hence I feel more responsible,” noted the DCP.
Speaking to Nagpur Today, DCP (Crime) Gajanan Rajmane mentioned that my four-year-old daughter ensures that I’ve properly sanitized my myself before I could enter the house.
My daughter ensures I’ve sanitized myself before I could enter home: DCP (Crime) Gajanan Rajmane
“For the sake of our families we have to maintain a safe distance from our loved ones. Though, I’m privileged to have a daughter who not only understands why her father won’t play with her but also keep me reminding of sanitizing myself,” says the DCP .
– Shubham Nagdeve
Part -2 to be contd..