Nagpur: Acting tough against the history sheeters, Commissioner of Police, Amitesh Kumar has ordered detention of another hardcore goon Bunty alias Bharat Ramdas Thaware under Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities (MPDA) Act, 1981. The goon has been active in Sakkardara and Nandanvan police jurisdiction.
Thaware (39), a resident of Bhandeplot, Sakkardara has been sent to Nagpur Crime Branch after he was detained under MPDA Act which is also known as Maharashtra Prevention of Dangerous Activities of Slumlords, Bootleggers, Drug-Offenders and Dangerous Persons Act, 1981.
The goon was involved in crimes of serious nature including attempt to murder, assault by lethal weapons, planning dacoities, riots with deadly weapons, damage to public properties, possession of firearms illegally, molestation, sexual exploitation of kids, and several other serious crimes.