Nagpur News : Four goons, demanding extortion money from two shop owners in Sakkardara area, were booked on Thursday. As per information, four accused Anil Prakash Jamle (24), Shankar Naresh Bihade (24), both residents of Bidipeth, near Buddha Vihar, another goon Musa and an unknown accomplice reached Solke Hardware shop beside the complainant Arun Ramkrishna Solke’s house.
The accused approached with swords and sharp-edged weapons and demanded Rs 500 from the complainant. Also, the accused demanded Rs 5000 from another shop owner of Shubham Construction office.
On the complaint of Arun, Sakkardara police registered an offence under Sections 452, 387, 504, 34 read with sub section 4+25 of Mumbai Police Act. Cops have booked the goons and have launched search for the goons.