That Salman Khan and Sooraj Barjatya are pairing up for ‘Bade Bhaiya’ after a hiatus is known to all. And the new development that surfaced from this circle is Salman will be playing double role in this movie slated to hit screens on Diwali 2015. What’s more the leading Bollywood babes Deepika Padukone and Sonam Kapoor will be seen playing the lady love of both the Salmans, however the news is yet to confirmed officially.
Salman has ealier played double role in David Dhawan’s ‘Judwaa’, way back in 1997. Salman’s double role will be nothing short of a treat to his fans, who look forward to see him sizzle on the silverscreen over and over again.
Barjatya has given Salman his first break as lead hero in ‘Maine Pyaar Kiya’, which went to become blockbuster and kept running in theatres as many as six months from the release. Later both came together with ‘Hum Aapke Hain Kaun’ and ‘Hum Saath Sath Hain’ which also received huge box office success.
So guys get ready for Double Delivery from Salman in Bade Bhaiya.