Nagpur: A major tragedy averted on Tuesday at Nagpur railway station after the Sampark Kranti Express left the platform no 1 and an alert senior train ticket examiner detected a rail fracture at the Itarsi end. The caution was felt after it was noticed that three coaches of the train jumped while moving and the movement too was not smooth.
Sources said senior TTE Jitendra Kumar Hathel, The TTE suspected something wrong, and noticed the rail fracture on the railway line when he checked the spot. He immediately rushed to the deputy station superintendent (DySS) office at platform number 1 and informed the staff there. An alert was sounded and the control room was informed about it. The engineering staff too was summoned.
In the backdrop of the recent mishap at Khatauli in Uttar Pradesh, where 23 passengers died, there was panic among passengers waiting for Ahmedabad Express. Even as repair works started at the rail fracture on platform number 1, Ahmedabad Express was shifted to platform number 2.
Central Railway public relations officer (PRO) PD Patil confirmed the incident and said the rail fracture was repaired and traffic from the platform was restored in 45 minutes.