Nagpur: Sonegaon police have arrested a burglar and seized sandalwood logs worth Rs 1.35 lakh from his possession. Cops have also confiscated a bike in which the accused was transporting the illegally cut sandalwood.
A team of Sonegaon police was on patrol in the mifnight of Tuesday. The team received information that a miscreant was carrying illegally cut sandalwood logs on his bike. Acting on information, the cops intercepted the Splendor bike (MH-40-CE 6318) in Bhosle Nagar, near Shivangaon and detained the accused Akash alias Mithilesh Sattarsingh Uike (21), resident of Dhamna here. Cops found sandalwood logs worth Rs 1.35 lakh in his possession. Police seized the sandalwood logs and the bike worth Rs 60,000 fromthe accused.
Sonegaon PSI Shinde, based on a complaint lodged by Head Constable Naresh Tumda, booked the accused under Section 379 of the IPC read with Section 26 of Maharashtra Forest Act, Sections 41, 42 of Maharashtra Felling of Trees (Regulation) Act and put him behind the bars. Further probe is underway.