NAGPUR: The Supreme Court (SC) has banned construction of all residential buildings till October 9 in Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Chandigarh and Maharashtra after the respective State governments failed to submit effective policy on solid waste management. This order of the Supreme Court has created a panic-like situation among builders as thousands of projects are likely to be affected in these four States.
The SC order is effective in Maharashtra also but the State government has assured that it will not have much impact in the State. The State has drafted its policy on solid waste management in April 2017 itself. But the lawyers representing the State couldn’t present it effectively in the SC and therefore the Apex Court included Maharashtra in its decision. As per information, the lawyers have made fresh arguments before the Supreme Court and that a decision in Maharashtra’s favour is expected soon.
Earlier, the Bombay High Court (HC) had banned construction activities in Mumbai on the same lines but the Supreme Court had later lifted the HC ban.
Nitin Karir, the secretary to Urban Development department of Maharashtra, said that the SC ban will not have its effect on Maharashtra. Builders too have expressed confidence in the State’s assurance. Anil Nair, president of Credai Nagpur, the advocates had presented fresh arguments in the case and the SC was expected to accept it. The State government had already done its job a year ago.
Gaurav Agrawal, director of SDPL Group, too expressed confidence in the government. He said none of the construction was banned and that activities were going on normally across the State. The State government would have issued a notification had there been any matter of concern, he said.