Nagpur: Bajrang Dal workers on Tuesday scuffled with cops and hurled abuses at them during a protest at Badkas Chowk in Mahal. The protest was organised by Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal at Badkas Chowk to condemn the murder of a 25-year-old Harsha, a member of Bajrang Dal, in Karnataka State.
During the protest,VHP Prant Mantri Govind Shende addressed the workers and condemned the death in his speech. He also stated that the schools should not allow entry to students with hijab. Soon after, the Bajrang Dal activists came with an effigy at around 5 pm.
The police staff moved ahead to seize the effigy. The police action irked the Bajrang Dal activists and they started shouting slogans against the police.
The police managed to seize the effigy before it set on fire by the activists. The police resorted to cane charge and used force to disperse the protesters. After 30 minutes of effort, the police managed to take the situation under control.
VHP Mahanagar Pramukh Vishal Punj, VHP Prant Sah Mantri Sanjay Mule, Rishabh Arkel, Lakhan Kuril, Prashant Mishra, Rajnish Mishra, Sushil Chaurasia, Prashant Shukla, Manish Maurya, Subhash Munje, Yogesh Wakode, Akshay Dhole, Suraj Mishra, Abhishek Gupta, Vickey Shahu, Lalit Kaleshwar took part in the protest