Intricate treatment at OCHRI saves 55-year-old MP Resident
Recently a 55-year-old female from Gadarwada, MP was shifted from a private hospital in Amravati to Nagpur based Orange City Hospital & Research Institute- a unit of Ravi Nair Hospitals Private Limited), Nagpur in a very critical condition by relatives. As informed by relatives, she had met with a road accident due to dash between truck and patient’s 4 wheeler resulting in injuries to its occupants on 12.02.2020 at about 5.00am on Teosa- Talegaon road.
She had sustained blunt compression injuries on abdomen with diaphragmatic tear with herniation inside chest cavity of omentum, spleen and left lobe of liver secondary to seat belt pressure. The other occupants sitting in front were saved due to Air bags. This lady was sitting behind with fixed seat belt. Initially she received treatment at Amravati and was shifted to OCHRI on 13.02.2020 around 7.15 PM on ventilator support for further management. She was admitted under Dr. Mukund Thakur- Minimal Invasive Surgeon and Dr. Rajesh Atal- Critical Care Physician-OCHRI. Within an hour after all necessary investigations; she was taken to Operation Theatre and emergency Laparoscopic Repair of diaphragmatic tear with Mesh plasty with Therapeutic Thoracoscopy and ICD insertion was done successfully by Dr. Mukund Thakur- Minimal Invasive Surgeon. Dr. Anita Pande- Anesthetist provided the anesthesia. Sr. Pooja Dhargawe assisted them. These surgeries were done by Laparoscopic method without opening the abdomen.
Dr. Mukund Thakur stated that although it is rare to see such herniation of abdominal contents inside chest cavity due to seat belt compression; it saved her from more serious injuries.
She recouped well and was discharged on 25.02.2020. The relatives appreciated complimented TEAM OCHRI for timely intricate surgical intervention and successful comprehensive treatment delivered to their patient. Initially, they had been contemplating to shift her by Air ambulance from Amravati, but after hearing about the goodwill and comprehensive expertise available at Nagpur based OCHRI through their doctor relatives based in Mumbai, they shifted the patient to OCHRI in a cardiac ambulance. At time of discharge, the husband gave following written feedback to OCHRI:
“People say who has seen God. I say I have seen God and met with. It may sound untrue to many. But I tell you God comes in some of the other form to you. Same happened to me. I met with a road accident. My wife who was with me in the vehicle got seriously injured. We got her to Orange City Hospital, Nagpur. Prompt and swift action taken by their director Dr. Anup Marar, successful operation immediately done by Dr. Mukund Thakur with his team and proper post-operative care taken by Dr. Rajesh Atal saved my wife’s life. People who gave second life to by wife are like God to me. If I don’t name, the supporting staff who took utmost care of my wife there it will not be fair. The staff in the Critical Care Unit and the supporting staff taking care of Deluxe ward service was most cooperative, fully responsive, extremely polite and prompt too. Not to forget that management behind all this in also appreciable and perfect too. One may say that whatever doctors did was their duty, well it’s true. But what is special is that, their positive attitude, willingness they have, proper and prompt service they give, care they take and their proactive approach is adorable which I have seen rarely. Now I can say that my wife was in good, perfect and safe hands. My stay in Orange City Hospital has many positive memories. I wish to give special thanks to Dr. Anup Marar, Dr. Mukund Thakur and Dr. Rajesh Atal for the splendid and great job they did. I wish them the brightest of future and good luck to Orange City Hospital and their chairman Shri. Udaybhaskar Nair and the whole management. I also promise that being a business person and also a senior journalist since last 30 years, I will surely advocate the name and work of Orange City Hospital and the three doctor’s which I named earlier for ethical quality health care. With lot many thanks and good wishes.”
Dr. Rajesh Atal managed pre & post treatment. Dr. Ninad Gawande- Medico Legal Specialist, Dr. Milind Pande- Pathologist & Dr. Saurabh Jaiswal- Radiologist supported the team for successful recovery of patient. 24×7 stationed specialist Intensivist Cover was provided by Dr. Roshan Jawdekar, Dr. Akshay Burlawar, Dr. Sheetal Chauhan, Dr. Ritesh Sawadh and Dr. Srividya. Dr. Anit Prakash- SMO Wards, DR. Kavita Dhurve-SMO Surgery, Sr. Preety Joseph-WSS ICU and Sr. Mary Chacko-WSS Deluxe Ward led the Medical, nursing and paramedical team respectively. Dr. Atul Dekate & Team managed the rehabilitation and Smt. Mansi Andhare- Dietician provided desired nutritional advise.
Dr. Anup Marar- OCHRI Director stated that the unflinching total trust and faith of patient and their relatives help the doctors in undertaking such daring surgeries as no doctor will ever desire bad for his or her patient. Dr. Usha Nair- RNHPL Director complimented OCHRI Team for saving the life of this lady as per the mission of OCHRI to Save lives, Save families.