The BJP under the leadership of former Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis today shocked the ruling Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) when BJP’s fifth candidate Prasad Lad won the seat outplaying Congress nominee Bhai Jagtap. This was the second major victory for BJP within 10 days after winning the Rajya Sabha polls on June 10. Fadnavis has emerged as a non-stoppable leader in the State and further consolidated his grip on the party and may earn appreciation from party central leadership.
BJP’s Uma Khapre, Shrikant Bhartiya, Prasad Lad and Ram Shinde and currently LoP in Council, Pravin Darekar came out with a flying colours.The MVA’s Chandrakant Handore (Congress), Sachin Ahir, Padvi (Sev Sena), Ram Raje Nimbalkar and Eknath Khadse (both NCP) succeeded.
Earlier the MVA leaders objected to voting by BJP’s Mukta Tilak and Laxman Jagtap as both of them who are unwell were accompanied by their accomplice and +they+ actually used the ballot papers which was objected by MVA. They lodged an initial complaint with the Election Officer which was rejected prompting them to approach the Central Election Commission which also outrightly rejected their claim.
This complaint and subsequent developments leading to final rejection of complaints by EC led delay in taking up counting of votes. Supporters of both MVA and BJP gathered in large number outside Vidhan Bhawan to celebrate victory of their candidates.
Supporters from Muktai Nagar (Jalgaon) also reached in good number to celebrate victory of their leader Eknath Khadse of NCP. Khadse who was once a strong BJP leader was sidelined due to certain political developments and was pushed into wilderness virtually while in BJP. He later switched over and took shelter under the NCP umbrella. He was virtually waiting for his political rehabilitation and fortune smiled when NCP gave him ticket for State Legislative Council polls, held today, and came victorious.
…Joseph Rao- Senior Journalist