The tight security was result of the high alert issued by Nagpur Police Commissioner K K Pathak in the backdrop of serial bomb blasts at Buddhist pilgrimage centre Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya in Bihar.
Nagpur News: A security blanket has been thrown in and outside of Deekshabhumi in the backdrop of serial bomb blasts at Buddhist pilgrimage centre Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya in Bihar.
The tight security was result of the high alert issued by Nagpur Police Commissioner K K Pathak. The top police boss has ordered immediate arrest or detention of any suspicious person. The Deputy Commissioner of Police Chandrakishore Meena reviewed the security at Deekshabhumi, visited by hundreds of Buddhists and other people.
The policemen are keeping a hawk eye on visitors and several jawans armed with weapons in large number have been deployed at the spot. The Bomb Squads with sniffer dogs have scanned every inch of nearby areas of Deekshabhumi and the monument itself.
Deekshabhumi is Mecca for lakhs and lakhs of Buddhists, Ambedkarites and other people who throng the monument for gaining Bouddha Dharma Deeksha during entire year and specifically on the occasion Dussehra festivities. Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar had embraced Bouddha Dharma at the place where the monument has been built which is very appropriately called Deekshabhumi.
The Police Inspector Maroti Shende said, “after the serial bomb blasts in Mahabodhi Temple in Bodh Gaya in Bihar, tight security has been in place at Deekshabhumi in order to avert any untoward incident as the monument is very close to hearts of people and any incident could trigger nation-wide protests,” Shende said.