Nagpur News : A program was held by the Marketing Forum of Vidarbha Industries Association, titled “Role of CEO in Sales” by Sanjay Singh, Management Coach, Mentors of popular brands like Godrej & Boyce, ICICI Bank, Airtel, Tata Indicom & Visiting Faculty, IIM, Kolkota at VIA Hall, on Saturday, 6th September 2014 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
The speaker Sanjay Singh said Selling or running a business for a living requires a tremendous amount of persistence. Obstacles loom in front of us on a regular basis. But it’s what you do when faced with these barriers that will determine your level of success. The most successful people in any industry have learned to face the obstacles that get in their way. They look for new solutions. They are tenacious. They refuse to give up. Sanjay explained the role of CEO and said CEO plays an important role in creating, communicating, and implementing the organization’s. Leading, guiding, directing, and evaluating the work of other executive leaders depending on the organization’s reporting structure. Evaluating the success of the organization. He also explained about the role of sales person and said, successful sales people are avid goal setters, Great sales people ask quality questions, Successful sales people listen, Successful sales people are passionate, Successful sales people are enthusiastic, Successful sales people take responsibility for their results, Successful sales people work hard, Successful sales people keep in touch with their clients & Successful sales people show value.
Sitting on the dais from Left to Right: – Hetal Gaglani, Akash Agrawal & Sanjay Singh.
Singh said, first identify the target group of customers, then generate leads. Sales person should be armed with FAB chart, Samples for live demonstration, Customer Testimonials, Admin related papers & Marcom. Papers. He said leads generated should be manage by lead register, Sales funnel & through sales dash board that reflect Reference Sale and Cross Sale. He said Customers do not buy price. They buy risk. He said there should be policies for Customer Complaint Handling System, Customer Service Recovery, Turn around Time for all services, Customer Centricity, CRM Policy & Discount Matrix in your work place.
Summing up his talk Sanjay said because the role of the CEO bears significant responsibility, accountability, and authority within an organization, the CEO has these additional responsibilities and these job responsibilities can vary from organization to organization and therefore, chief executive officer plays the most important role in the management of an organization.
Earlier, floral welcome of Sanjay Singh was done by Akash Agrawal, Chairman VIA marketing Forum, Introduction of the speaker & Vote of Thanks was done by Hetal Gaglani, Co-convener, Marketing Forum-VIA. Opening remarks & the Programme was conducted by Akash Agrawal, Chairman VIA – Marketing Forum.
This free talk on “Role of CEO” was attended by large number of audience which includes Young Entrepreneurs’, Businessman, Students, Industrialists and prominent VIA Members and others.