Nagpur: Shiv Sena has demanded that state government should remove pro-Vidarbha activists from government bodies where they have been nominated at different positions. The party’s district chief Prakash Jadhav said, “There are many, especially lawyers who are championing the cause of separate Vidarbha but enjoying facilities provided by the Maharashtra Government in various government bodies. They should quit the posts or be removed.”
As the party is reacting to protests held by pro-Vidarbha activists on Maharashtra Day, Jadhav also came down heavily on chief minister Devendra Fadnavis and union minister and MP from Nagpur Nitin Gadkari. According to him, the CM’s performance has not been satisfactory.
“There have been only announcements and no action. For example, the Mihan-SEZ, there is hardly any unit worth mentioning which has started its operations. The government made big announcements about Patanjali but it is doubtful whether the company would start operations here,” said Jadhav.
“Even the farm loan waiver scheme has turned out to be a failure. The banks are yet to receive funds against farmers’ loans in many cases. The city is expected to face a major water crisis as a dam has been built in Madhya Pradesh on the Pench river which also supplies water to the city. The chief minster seems to be indifferent about the issues,” he said.
Jadhav a former MP from Ramtek said he plans to seek information under RTI on the work done so far and the timeline for completion of cement road works in the city. Road construction work all over is only leading to pollution, he added.
On the pro-Vidarbha activists, Jadhav said they do not have any political significance and lack public support. He challenged them to quit the government posts if they want to secede from Maharashtra.