Shiv Sena candidate from South Nagpur constituency Kiran Pandav received an overwhelming response when he took out a rally and “Padayatra” in the areas of his constituency. In the fray for October 15 Assembly election, Kiran Pandav started his public contact rally and “Padayatra” from Medical Square, Hanuman Nagar and then covered Chandan Nagar, Siraspeth, Sakkardara and other areas. A large number of people and workers participated in Kiran Pandav’s “Padayatra” and the areas reverberated with slogans ““Kiranbhau Aage Badho, Ham Tumhare Saath Hai” “Jai Maharashtra” “Vare Dhanush-Ban Aa Gaya Dhanush-Ban” “Dakshin Nagpur Ka Neta Kaisa Ho, Kiranbhau Jaisa Ho.”
Others who participated in Kiran Pandav’s “Padayatra” include Girish Pandav, Mohan Bajpayee, Nandu Bajpayee, Sushil Zam, Nandu Sontakke, Asif Ali, Satish Lonari, Lukesh Gavhane, Sanjay Tumane, Raju Deshmukh, Edgar Liliwhite, Anand Rupchandani, Satish Lanjewar, Sunil Chaudhari, Mrs Tumane, Mrs Zam, Mrs Liliwhite, Prerna Lonare, Bawne Tai and others.