Nagpur: A 66-year-old Bajajnagar based man was duped of Rs 9.85 lakh allegedly by a London-based woman that he had met through social networking site, Facebook. Based on the complaint lodged by Anil Wasant Mulaokar, a resident of Flat No. 291, Vrundavan Apartment, Laxminagar cops have registered an offence of fraud.
According to police sources, Mulaokar had met the accused who identified herself as Linda Thomson on Facebook. After a series of chat and video calls; their friendship mushroomed. On January 7, 2021 the accused Linda reportedly dialed Mulaokar that she had reached Delhi; however, her luggage got stuck at the airport, she told Mulaokar. She reportedly sought Rs 9.85 lakh from him. Acting swiftly, Mulaokar transferred the money, but Linda never returned the money. Following which, she even stopped responding to the texts of Mulaokar. Sensing something amiss, Mulaokar then approached Bajajnagar Police Station.
Bajajnagar police have booked the accused Linda under Sections 420 of the IPC read with Sub-section 66 D of the IT Act. Further investigation underway.