Nagpur: District and Sessions Court here on Wednesday, awarded life imprisonment to two accused while acquitted three others in sensational murder case of Sachin Somkuwar who was killed in September 2016. Justice Salman Azmi announced the verdict and awarded life imprisonment to accused Raja Parteki and his brother Roshan; however, the court, on the basis of lack of evidence, has acquitted Pradeep Ukey, Ankit Pali, and Bittu alias Ashfaq in the connection.
It is pertinent to mention that, Sachin Somkuwar alias Sachin Dudhya (34) was brutally shot dead at Gokulpeth market in broad daylight on September 29. The Bollywood-style killing had sent shock waves in the city as it took place near the Chief Minister’s residence and raised serious question marks over security of the citizens.
18 witnesses were examined in this case. Adv Abhay Jikar represented the government.
Adv Mir Nagman Ali appeared for Pradip Uike, Adv Chaitanya Barve appeared for Ankesh Uike. Adv Dixit appeared for Ashfaaq , Adv Parag Ukey appeared for Ankit Pali who were acquitted by Sessions Court.
… Ravikant Kamble