Nagpur: A special squad led by DCP Zone II, Vinita Sahu on Sunday night busted a sex racket being operated at Hotel Duaa Continental and Hotel Vedanta Inn, under Sadar police station. Besides arresting one accused identified as Tulsidas alias Sagar Deviprasad Hanwat, originally a resident of Madhya Pradesh and currently living under Ganeshpeth police, cops have also rescued two women from Delhi and Mumbai, who were forced into flesh trade. One accused, Dipesh Kanbhar alias Gangan Thakur is still still at large.
According to police sources, the cops received a tip-off regarding a sex racket flourishing at the two prominent hotels under Sadar police jurisdiction. Acting swiftly on the input, the special squad of DCP Vinita Sahu raided the two hotels, and rounded up an accused and also rescued two women.
The accused has been booked under relevant Sections of the IPC while hunt of one accomplice is on.