Shahid Kapoor’s latest film Padmavati might have been deferred from its original release date, but the actor, who’s already locked two more projects, is on a signing spree. Now, we hear that he is keen on teaming up with Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra. Says a source, “Shahid and Rakeysh met and discussed the idea of doing a movie together. Although nothing is on paper yet, the actor has shown a keen interest in Mehra’s film on kabaddi.” Initially, it was supposed to star Hrithik Roshan but he walked out citing date issues. The filmmaker is likely to start work on it after wrapping up Fanney Khan, which needs just a few more days of shoot.
Although Shahid played a cricketer in Dil Bole Hadippa!, this will be the first out-and-out sports film for the actor. Adds a source, “Today, sports films have a space of their own and he’s never really tried out this genre. When he heard Rakeysh is doing a movie on kabaddi, he approached him to discuss the possibility of acting in it.”
The actor will soon reunite with his Jab We Met director Imtiaz Ali. Of late, Shahid, who’s been part of more content-oriented projects, has been teaming up with a lot of directors for the first time. A source close to the actor says, “Shahid worked with Sanjay Leela Bhansali for the first time, now he will work with Shree Narayan Singh and if the kabaddi film happens, then this will also be a fresh actor-director pairing.”