Published On : Fri, May 21st, 2021

Should Gadkari be The Commander for Combating Covid ?


The Corona Pandemic has  taken the demon and disastrous shape  , enacting like the most horrifying  nightmare in history of mankind. The fear and phobia  of the vindictive virus is  making things move from bad to worse for the common mass.  The sharp rise in Death Toll , Scarcity of Medical aid  and Oxygen has added to the grim & gloom shade of  Pandemic. Though ,the entire world is combating with Covid  since end 0f 2019 ,  Few Nations like Israel , New Zealand & others could effectively manage to get rid of virus through its result bound program , while many  others and most of the nations are still struggling & strangling against the virus. With second largest population in the world , India has altogether elevated level of challenges , complexities& crisis.

The present Praxis of Pandemic in India  seems to be at its apex , where life has became the cheapest commodity and life saving measures the costliest one.  The Queues are getting extended from  Isolation Centres to Hospitals to Graveyard. Inspite of all efforts by the Government  , it appears to be Helpless & Hopeless  on many fronts. The great gap of Governance between  ‘Intention & Implementation’  has gone far & wide , making present situation miserable & pathetic.


Gold Rate
Thursday 13 March 2025
Gold 24 KT 87,100 /-
Gold 22 KT 81,000 /-
Silver / Kg 99,100 /-
Platinum 44,000 /-
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World Health Organization gave the alarm  against CORONA in early 2020 only , which was perhaps taken for granted by Indian  Government . The neighbouring Chinese Virus  will be within its boundary and.not be vindictive was another hail notion ! . The Administration was too cosy & lazy in action & reactions. Engaged with political campaigns , meetings , rallies , along with great ‘Kem Cho Trump!’  welcome event , amidst all pandemic praxis , it took authorities too long to wake up and understand the severity of the situation. By  that time the Vindictive Virus had already penetrated our Boundaries  spreading itself far & wide.

Next , came the negligence and ignorance of facts & measures by the authorities. ‘Getting trained by the untrained people’.  became the scenario and  for those pandemic , epidemic , endemic are alien words were made Avengers to combat corona. Though , specialised Institute like Centre for Disease Control  , Pune was there  , it was not taken into account  ,instead the ICMR , which primarily  performs research were made the nucleus of the empowered group , which has performed all trials & errors with its chaotic cluster of Biomedical professionals , Cardiologist , Paediatric etc.  but , without taking the cognizance of epidemiologist. The irony is that  majority of  the worlds most leading & Eminent Epidemiologist  are Indian. The Centre for Disease Control , Pune was   bypassedby Central Authoritygiving  ICMR ,   the fundamental role in Pandemic Management  not because it has Right Representatives  , but Might  Representatives ?.  Its just like  visiting to Vet in case of Cardiac Arrest ,  because he is near and dear to you. This signifies clear sign of intellectual impotence & incompetency to combat Corona pandemic. The series of lockdown followed by vicious circle of  rules, regulations , restrictions along with faith flaunting  motivational  exercises from mass Sound to Light show  ( pun intended).  The Popular blind  practice of following the preaching of  western model  without realizing its significance, suitability and sustainability in the eastern environment  , was religiously followed , without making serious efforts for Research & Analysis of Problems & Solutions in Indian praxis. Passing the ball , without hitting the Goal was the exercise followed. This all unproductive futile  exercises in nothing but the clear reflection of lack of vision and farsightedness  in Apex Leadership. Even after the launch of Vaccines , the dilemma & disaster of delivery was demonstrated in every domain. In special circumstances few errors could be understood  , but series of negligence & careless administration is not only crime but sin in corona crisis.

Special Situation demands -Specialist Commands ,  and that evolves through Realizing , rectifying & Resolving problems . Different module of leadership suggest vivid traits & pattern of leadership conducive in certain circumstances. For instance  , Sir Winston Churchill , who exceptionally commanded and made England & its allies victorious in 2nd world war against Adolf Hitler ,  lost the`election following year to the Labour Party &  Atlee became the Prime Minister. As Citizens  of the England were of the opinion that Churchill was good choice as Prime minister in times of war  , but not for time of peace. This electoral maturity and  understanding is still not confined and carried by Indian voters. The crux is that;   Narendra Modi &  Amit Shah duo must be great in turning the  table , winning the elections , media representation , power presentation and  Image management. But , they  seems to lost the grip & control on pandemic roller coaster.  The  present situation demands Analytical actions & Rejuvenating reactions. It is the time for the “ Well Done” leadership model rather than “ Well said” &  ‘Well thought’ . Needless to mention , among the limited list of legendary leaders .  Nitin Gadkari emerges as the most obvious choice in  Combating corona with care & courage. Nitin Gadkaris experience  and expertise in crisis management is well tried and tested. In spite of Being  in opposition  for long time  , he exercised  harmonious relations with all party Leaders and workers. He enacted as bridge  builder in may hostile situation for the party. Groomed and trained under the first hand leadership of Jan sangh &  RSS  he has great nexus& Network of vibrant volunteers from vivid fields. Gadkari has been carrying the tradition of . Son Of  Soil , who Toils for Motherland’ image. He crafted his ladder of success with Discipline , determination & Dedication and climbed one step at a time , unlike Narendra Modi who got elevator or perhaps parachute landing on top by grace and gravity keeping aside all the stalwarts leaders  of BJP  . This makes  him more practical player than the theoretical  one.

Gadkari Nama –

Nitin Gadkari has proved his mettle in all roles & responsibilities  he is designated with He  is well known for his result oriented delivery of work before deadlines . As PWD Minister of Maharashtra , Gadkari played a crucial role in expediting the construction of Mumbai – Pune expressway , India first six lane concrete high speed express highway , along with 55 flyovers in Mumbai , which eased the city traffic problems significantly. Gadkari strongly supported privatisation  , while he campaigned for investment in infrastructure from private firms , resulting  in all weather road rural connectivity , which remained unconnected since Independence by road. It also helped ameliorate malnutrition  in remote Melghat- Dharni areas of Amravati district and many others , which previously had no access to medical aid , ration and educational facilities. Gadkari has magnified his vision from state to National level after resuming as the Minister of  Road Transport& Highways , Minister of Shipping  & Minister of MSME. He increased the pace of road creation from 2km / day to 16.5 km / day in first year an 21km/day in the second year and took it to record breaking target of 36 km/ day  with his meticulous planning and execution. He reserved an amount of one percent of the total projects awarded in his tenure worth Rupees 2 trillion ( USD 28 Billion) for trees and beautification. This work profile is replica of the Herculean task  executed in the most neglected ministry in Titanic manner. It will not be exaggeration to say that Gadkari’s  Ministry enjoy the pleasure of serving the tangible & visible results rather than proposed paper projects.

Chief  Epidemic Officer ( C.E.O )

What Nation needs and wish to experience and explore is the same result bound program and performance by the governance. As the government came with idea and appointment of  Chief of Defence Staff  a bridge between President  & all Commanders of all forces . In same manner Nitin Gadkari can be designated as C.E.O ( Chief Epidemic Officer ) empowering him with  Special power of attorney to exercise and execute effective epidemic management  program. His Administrative skills and Business acumen are exceptionally brilliant . To get the things done and set the ball rolling  is  difficult  in Bureaucratic practices. The  Anchor which could harbour all the officials & executives on one port is undoubtedly , Gadkari. As  he hails from Central India Nagpur , which serves as the Headquarter of RSS , of  which he is  close aide & loyalist , will also help him in fostering & felicitating decision process. Recently , his  strategic management for Oxygen generation &  supply by seeking  cooperation from various public- private sources and industries is praise worthy. The allocation of  the right task to the right man  in right manner is the  key to success , & Gadkari excels in that !. The reflection of which  is seen in procurement & logistic management Of Oxygen tankers carried by Pyare Khan , the entrepreneur from Nagpur , under the able guidance of  him. Keeping  aside political prejudices and polarising  practices . Nitin Gadkari demonstrated the  dignified call of duty , with One Nation – One Mission.  Raising above the regional and Political agenda , he tried to reach and serve the needy  beyond constitutional boundaries. To counter the shortage of Remedisivir Injection , he promptly made arrangements for its production from Wardha unit.  And controlled the black marketing of other essential commodities and medical aid to the large extent.

Nitin Gadkari’s basic trait is that of Solution seeking in innovative manner rather than   problem pampering & prolonging .  He may not be exemplary in elocution ,but he is an articulate communicator , who speaks facts & figures. Bold , loud and clear with his expression and examples , He speaks his mind innocently ,which many times had put him in trouble too , like in 2014 just before the Maharashtra assembly election commission issued  show cause and put section 171B read with Section 171E of the IPC against his provoking speech. In august 2019 also Gadkari created controversay when he stated that he had advised the Union Finance Minister to , “ throw Out’ the RBI governor because the latter was inflexible and adamant. His satirical comments and critical appreciation also falls in the same category , but maintains balance and sanity. Gadkaris recent address to the party officials and workers in carrying out selfless service whole heartedly , without any  discrimination and differences, he  advised them not to make media hype and poor show of welfare projects executed , practical performance rather than photo presentation  should be imbibed.He  guided optimistically on vivid  motivating and development aspects of Individual & Institutions.

His straightforward  and strict stance may not be applauded by many , but appreciated and admired by all.  Even when Gadkari was appointed as president of BJP 2009- 2013 , which was considered as a tough phase for the BJP as the part has lost two consecutive Loksabha elections and needed a quick revamp.

As Party president , right from the start, Gadkari made his agenda very clear. He focused almost entirely on the ‘ politics of development.’ In his Book India Aspires, co- authored with Tuhin Sinha, Gadkari spells out his development ideas for the country in great detail.  Increased institutional support to green energy, alternate fuel and effective waste management hold special importance in Gadkari’s development plan. At a time when the country was plagued with the problem of policy paralysis under the UPA, Gadkari’s proactive approach towards development, set a new and positive agenda for the country’s politics. Gadkari, re-emphasized on legendary Jan Sangh leader Deen Dayal Upadhya’s principles of Integral Humanism and Antyodaya (upliftment of the poor). At the same time, various cells were constituted within the party to regularly monitor the develop work undertaken by various BJP state governments and to come up with new policy inputs.Gadkari resigned as party president in January 2013 due to allegations  made for irregularities  in his Purti  Group of Business. By that time , he had laid the strong  Foundation and winning platform for BJP  for  the forthcoming  election with his vibrant vision.


Why only Gadkari ?

The pivotal question email that ; Why only Gadkari ? The answer lies with in the question itself that special mission requires super Snipers & Commando than regular security. They should be empowered with  priveledged power to take tough calls and license to kill. As we had seen in the past also , in extreme  conditions  Officers on special duties are appointed. May it be KPS Gill  as DGP of Punjab for controlling Punjab insurgency ,  Metro Man E. Sreedharan ,  Missile Man A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and many other esteem contributors.

This war against Corona also needs Calculative Commander , who can sail the ship to the shore through the the storm with his courage and confidence. Prime Minister Narendra Modi  is good in political practices and policy presentation. He was Pracharak ( Propogator ) of RSS and placed to the  peak position of C.M & P.M respectively . the  crux & crunch of administration , hazard & disaster management are  part of  his skipped syllabus. In short he is the guy from Sales team and not  from Service  division.  He excels as Marketing Guru , but what India needs now is service engineer  & Social Entrepreneur with expertise . All road leads to Nagpur  to be new Healing Headquarter against Pandemic ,not only Geographically but politically also. The kith & Kin of Gadkari and those who know him very well , aware about his innovative temperament &  fighting spirit. Well versed with the Risk  calculations  & Project Management , his Numerical Vocabulary is more than prose.  Few  Experts even makes Hypothetical Myth , that , Gadkari    with his Co-Operation & Coalition  Engineering can even  Involve Manmohan Singh , Sharad Pawar , Subramanyam Swamy & Amaertya Sen for Finance & Policy Making ,  Prashant Kishor  & Shashi Tharoor for International Relation &  Diplomatic Services , also engaging many extraordinary executives & Legeslative  irrespective of party and post could also form part of his team , If needed.  Talent accumulation and allocation is most admired part of his Leadership Skill , where he empower others with faith & trust.india ha no dearth of Intelligent & Committed experts In every sector , there efficiency need to be  channelize  & Utilize to the best of their potential in positive manner for the welfare of Mankind.The Combat with Corona is not going to  end with complete vaccination or practicing prevention. Post – Covid Trauma and Management will be Gigantic task . The Recovery & Rehabilitation exercise will be more elborative and exhausting . Also, there need to be dedicated wing for future challenges  pertaining to Bio- war situation. Nitin Gadkari with his magnified vision and futuristic approach can be the best man for jeopardized Job and be Jubilant,  proving truly  that;. ‘ A leader is A Dealer of Hope’.

… Dr. Vikramsingh Pachlore

{Author is an eminent Behavioural Scientist , Neuro Analyst ,Psychologist , Socio Political Thinker , Educationist , Psephologist, Scribe & Human Capital Coach }
