Published On : Thu, Jan 16th, 2014

Should office of NMC Backward Class Welfare Committee shut down for want of the funds?


Nagpur News: The Chairperson of NMC’s Special Backward Class Welfare Committee Savita Sangole rattles the NMC circles by shooting off letters to all office-bearers, top officials and other Corporators thereby raising a very serious question.

Nagpur News: A Independent Corporator , Sangeeta Sangole, has sent tremors across NMC circles by shooting off letters to all office-bearers, top officials and other Corporators thereby raising a very serious question: Should the office of Special Backward Class Welfare Committee in Civil Lines be shut down for want of no provision of funds under various heads (sources)? And requesting that this issue should be raised in the General Body Meeting of NMC.

The Chairperson of NMC’s Special Backward Class Welfare Committee Sangeeta Sangole, in her letters, informed the dignitaries about the budgetary provisions for Backward Class Slums/Colonies in the fiscal 2013-2014

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Similarly, the letters sent by Chairperson of Special Backward Class Welfare Committee Sangeeta Sangole pointed out no budgetary provisions have been made for various heads that is making the working of the Committee difficult day by day. She has, therefore, questioned: Why should not the office of Special Backward Class Welfare Committee in Civil Lines shut down for want of no provision of funds under various heads (sources)?

Sangole has requested the Guardian Minister Shivajirao Moghe to make efforts for providing funds from Maharashtra Government. The Chairperson has sent letters to Mayor Anil Sole, Ruling Party Leader Praveen Datke, Standing Committee Chairman Avinash Thakre, NMC Commissioner Shyam Wardhane, Additional Commissioner Hemant Pawar and Chief Accounts and Finance Officer for necessary action in this connection.

