Shraddha Kapoor is one busy actor. While her latest film, Stree, hits theatres on August 31, her next project, Batti Gul Meter Chalu will release on September 21. In the midst of all that, Kapoor has been jumping from one promotional outing to another, and most recently, was also seen at a dubbing studio in Mumbai. In case you missed it, Stree’s promotions have had Kapoor donning some intense Indian ethnic ensembles, so it’s natural that the star opted for a fuss-free look for her latest work outing.
For her evening of dubbing, Shraddha Kapoor went with a white, black and blue block print dress that’s perfect for evenings when one wants to look well put-together without having to put in too much effort.
Zoom in to her latest pictures and you’ll notice the fabric of the dress was also embroidered here and there with clear sequins for a little extra drama. While the dress’ belt cinched it in at the waist, ruffles along the hemline kept it from looking too simple. To complete the look, Shraddha Kapoor opted for accessories in earthy hues. Brown Kolahpuris, a matching brown sling bag and carved wooden earrings completed her look for the night.
Like most Indian women, Kapoor knows that sometimes a touch of kajal is all one needs for casual outings. In fact, she once told us that her daily beauty essentials include “lots of water, kajal, face wash, and moisturiser.” Discover more beauty secrets from her here, but not before you find out where you can buy a dress like hers.