Nagpur: The mastermind in the Rs 200 crore Shreesurya investment scam Sameer Joshi is being released from Nagpur jail as bail has been granted to him. It has been reported that that he prima facie duped over 5,500 gullible investors to the tune of Rs 200 crores.
The Shreesurya Group allegedly collected funds from over 5,000 investors, many of them senior citizens, and guaranteed to double the amount invested in a couple of years. The schemes burst after the group failed to pay returns to investors in 2013. As a result of many complaints, including that in Pune, Amravati and Akola, the Joshi couple was arrested by the Economic Offences Wing (EOW).
The aggrieved investors under ‘Shreesurya Pidit Thevidar Kruti Samiti’ had also filed another petition through its Secretary Shriram Dagwar. According to the prosecution, the EOW seized 32 properties belonging to Joshi. and roped in chartered accountants to examine the accounts and trail of the money which was withdrawn before the offences could be registered.
Both Joshi and his wife are believed to have either withdrawn or transferred crores from these accounts, a month before the offence was registered against them and they were put behind bars.
Adv Ranjit Sardey and Adv Vijaya appeared for the accused Sameer Sudhir Joshi