Rohit Shetty’s Simmba starring Ranveer Singh, Sara Ali Khan and Sonu Sood is releasing tomorrow in India. But, the movie has already released in Dubai earlier today and if the audience’s reaction is anything to go by then this is yet another blockbuster from Rohit Shetty. Before the release of the film, Rohit Shetty was quite confident about the box office performance of the film and looks like he exactly knew how general audience is gonna react to the film.
If early reviews and reactions are anything to go by then nothing can stop Simmba from being the “Mega Blockbuster”. A Twitter user who watched the early morning show in Dubai wrote during the interval, “#Simmba Interval: Ranveer Singh reaches the zenith of playing a loud inspector, a very CRAZY avatar, barring the last 10 mins where the seriousness of the plot kicks in. His entry will ROCK big time, nobody executes ‘masala genre’ as good as Rohit Shetty. #SimmbaReview @Simmba” Also read: Simmba box office collection: Ranveer Singh’s action film likely to open at Rs 25 crore. Read trade prediction
However, it looks like the second half takes the movie on another level. After the movie got over, the user wrote, “YAAY!! The MOST THUNDEROUS movie of the year!!!! MEGA BLOCKBUSTER Guaranteed!!! #SimmbaReview @RanveerOfficial #Simmba #FDFS #Dubai @VOXCinemas”
Another user took to Twitter after the first half and wrote, “The first half was FULL ON entertainment! The audience was in splits and that’s when I realised i’m not being biased if i’m enjoying the film. I was actually teary eyed out of pride because of your strength as an actor #Simmba” And further wrote after the movie ended, “@RanveerOfficial The second half was something I had not expected. I have to mention how charming Sara is. BUT…YOU! There was depth and realisation in #Simmba. Seriously, I am SO impressed! How are you like this!? Uff”
The two reactions also teased a surprise rather a cameo by an action superstar.
One thing is clear after these early reactions that Simmba is all set to be a monstrous hit at the box office.