Nagpur: The Special Investigation Team (SIT), formed by Commissioner of Police Dr K Venkatesham on April 4, 2017 to probe land and property related frauds specifically the land grabbing by land mafia Dilip Gwalbanshi and his gang, has been flooded with complaints.
The SIT has so far received 901 complaints including 310 complaints against Gwalbanshi family and 591 cases against other land mafias. The complainants include 550 members of various societies and 450 individuals. Based on the complaints and preliminary investigations, the SIT has registered 25 offences and arrested 34 accused. On the other hand, 425 victimised complainants have received their plots back.
The Special Investigation Team (SIT) is headed by Somnath Waghchaure who has been also named as new ACP (Crime) in place of Nilesh Raut.