Nagpur: Adding a new twist, Sitabuldi police have mounted a hunt for four unidentified vandals who allegedly poured inflammable stuff and set ablaze a bar and restaurant being constructed in the six-storey commercial building JP Square, at Law College Square on Amravati Road, around 2 am on Monday. CCTV cameras caught the four accused in the arson act. Based on the CCTV footage, cops are searching them.
A resident of Plot No. 267, Laxmi Nagar, Arjun Jitendra Palsingh (26), in his complaint told Sitabuldi police that he owns the bar and restaurant being constructed on 4th, 5th, and 6th floor of JP Square building at Law College Square. A devastating fire had broken out in the bar in the wee hours of Monday. The scan of the CCTV footage revealed that four unidentified miscreants poured inflammable stuff at the bar and set it afire.
Sitabuldi cops, based on the complaint, launched further investigations.
No one was injured in the fire even as the fire spread to another bar-and-restaurant in the same building before it was brought under control by Nagpur Municipal Corporation (NMC) Fire and Emergency Services Department after a four-hour effort. The fire broke out somewhere on the fourth floor, and engulfed the entire floor within an hour. The intense heat from the fire shattered the huge glass windows, and soon flames were leaping up to the fifth and sixth floors. The hot glass fell like fire balls in all directions.
There was sensation in the area for around two hours, with a petrol pump located a little distance away on the other side of the road, two residential buildings abutting the building compound, and the national highway on the front side. A few youths had also expressed the fear that three-four labourers were residing in the building on the fourth floor.