Last month, Skype introduced its new group video calling feature for Android, iOS and Windows phone users. The company is now officially rolling out its functionality on iOS and Android devices. The group calling feature from Skype supports full HD broadcast. Moreover, Microsoft has also partnered with Intel in order to optimize SILK Audio so, that it can offer a clear audio experience even with increased number of participants.
The group calling feature from Skype enables users to have a free group video call with up to 25 participants. The video call takes a grid view to see all the callers and also focus on the active speaker. Earlier, Skype allowed only 5 participants in a group chat. Users are also allowed to swipe through that lineup and find the individual caller and ‘pin’ that to the screen.
Along with this, Skype also allows the users to flip between the rear and front camera without any problem. It is also not necessary that one has to be a Skype user to join the call. The user just needs to click on a link that can be sent out of any the apps.
The Skype free video calling feature will be rolled out for iPhone, iPad and Android devices in Western Europe and North America. The company also said that in coming months it will roll out the feature globally.