Sonakshi Sinha has recently been sharing a lot of videos of her workout sessions on her social media and her hard work can be seen in the latest picture that she shared earlier today. The actor is basking on the success of her recently released Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi starring Diana Penty and Jimmy Sheirgill seems to be in a jolly mood and took to her Instagram to share a picture of herself standing in front of a colourful wall. She picked a line from Alia Bhatt and Varun Dhawan’s song and used that as her caption. It read, “Kardi rehndi hai kudi Saturday, Saturday! #saturdayvibes#rainbowsandbutterflies”.
She was seen sporting a white cropped top and ripped denim along with white sneakers and smiled for the camera. Sonakshi in the picture is definitely making the most of her weekend.
On the professional front, Sonakshi will next be seen in Abhishek Varman’s Kalank which also stars Varun Dhawan, Alia Bhatt, Madhuri Dixit, Sanjay Dutt and Aditya Roy Kapur in pivotal roles.
Sonakshi who made her acting debut with Salman Khan’s 2010 release Dabangg will again be starring in the third sequel, Dabangg 3. Helmed by Prabhudheva, the film will go on floors by the end of this year.